The project organizes the Irriman 7 al 14 November in Molina de Segura CIFE Specialization course the deficit irrigation. Implementation of efficient irrigation management for sustainable agriculture.

With this training aims to present the latest technological advances in systems of deficit irrigation, control devices and irrigation efficiency, study of the quality and management of water resources from different sources, and the use of new technologies such as thermography or GIS viewers.

More information:

Service Training and Technology Transfer. Ministry of Water, Agriculture and the Ambiente.Tel.: 968 36 27 43

Molina de Segura CIFE. Of. Gutierrez Mellado, 17. 30500 Molina de Segura. Tel.: 968 38 90 36

Contact Mail: फॉर्मासिओं@कर्म.es / सिफ़ीमोलिनादेसेगुरा@कर्म.es

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