The course 'Specialization deficit irrigation. Implementation of efficient irrigation management for sustainable agriculture 'is developing since last Monday 7 November at the premises of the Integrated Center for Agricultural Training and Experience (CIFE) Molina de Segura (Murcia).

To the course, They attended by about twenty people in the agricultural sector of the Region of Murcia, It is organized by the Life project Irriman , which it aims to implement, demostrar y difundir una estrategia de riego sostenible basado en el riego deficitario para promover su aceptación a gran escala y el uso en cultivos en los agroecosistemas mediterráneos.

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With this training aims to present the latest technological advances in systems of deficit irrigation, control devices and irrigation efficiency, study of the quality and management of water resources from different sources, and the use of new technologies such as thermography or GIS viewers. The next Friday 11 a visit to one of the experimental farms participating in the project will be.

Irriman Life is developing an algorithm that easily allow farmers to launch an irrigation system to save water and at the same time improve the quality of the plant and the crops produced. Definitely, the aim is to answer three key questions for a farmer: how, when and how much to irrigate.

En las próximas semanas se desarrollarán más cursos similares a este en el CIFEA de Lorca (21/28 de noviembre), CIFEA de Torre Pacheco (6/13 de febrero de 2017), CIFEA DE Jumilla (6/13 de marzo de 2017). If you are interested in participating you can read in,es: Service Training and Technology Transfer. Ministry of Water, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente. Teléfono: 968 36 27 43.

El proyecto está cofinanciado por el programa Life de la Unión Europea y en el mismo participan, como socios, la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, el Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS-CSIC), la Consejería de Agricultura de Murcia, la Universidad de Córdoba (UCO), la Comunidad de Regantes Genil-Cabra y la Federación de Comunidades de Regantes del Mediterráneo (Fenacore).

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